American College of Clinical Pharmacy

About the PRN

The ACCP PRN Network provides a focal point around which to gather clinical pharmacists with common interests and needs in practice, research, and education. The Clinical Administration PRN (CADM PRN) is a forum for addressing practice and academic issues related to clinical administration.

> Our members include directors, managers, and practitioners from inpatient and outpatient practice sites, including IT and academia.
> There is an active resident and student contingency, especially appealing to those interested in health system administration.
> Provide a network to gain member feedback on issues of concern.
> The PRN offers numerous networking and collaborative opportunities.


Many in attendance at the ACCP Annual Meeting volunteer for committee participation, but we’d like to offer the opportunity for participation for those who were unable to attend. Below is a list of committees with a brief description of each. Committee involvement is encouraged and appreciated - contact a PRN Officer if you are interested in participating with a particular committee.

1) Annual Meeting Planning: The Annual Meeting Planning Committee will work on the focus session for the upcoming annual meeting.

2) Education/Content Development: The Education and Content Development Committee will work to develop one or more clinical administration related competencies in conjunction with the ClinPharmEd.

3) Nominations: The Nominations Committee is responsible for seeking nominations for PRN offices and recommending a ballot of candidates. In addition, the nominations committee is responsible for identifying and nominating worthy individuals for ACCP awards, elected offices, and fellowship status.

4) Communications: The Communications Committee is responsible for the PRN Newsletter, developing the new PRN website and other communication related activities to enhance the sharing of information to the membership.

5) Student/Resident: The Student and Resident Committee will be responsible for implementing programs to enhance student and resident involvement including assisting with developing and distribution of travel stipends for qualified candidates.